Shaun Abeysinghe, PhD

Senior Director, Evidence Synthesis and Statistics

Practice Area
Office Location
Manchester, United Kingdom

PhD, Biostatistics
Certificate, JAVA Programming
Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom

BSc, Neurobiology
Sussex University, Brighton, United Kingdom

Shaun Abeysinghe, PhD, is a Senior Director at RTI-HS. He has over 15 years of experience as a biostatistician within consulting, pharmaceutical, and academic environments. Dr. Abeysinghe is experienced in the application of novel and standard statistical methodologies to large medical/biological data sets in diverse therapeutic areas. His role at RTI-HS includes planning, executing, and interpreting the analysis of a variety of studies, including epidemiology, health economics, and clinical trials. While at RTI-HS, Dr. Abeysinghe has mainly served as lead statistician on a variety of different projects but has also led and managed a number of projects, including systematic review and meta-analysis projects to support National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) submissions, quality-of-life analyses of clinical trial data and medical database analyses. Dr. Abeysinghe has conducted many types of statistical analyses, such as mixed-treatment comparison meta-analyses, database analyses in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) and The Health Improvement Network (THIN), survival analyses, quality-of-life analyses, and parametric and multivariate modeling. He has led and won proposals for a variety of different clients and contributed to many more, providing budget estimates and proposal text for the statistical components of the proposal.

More recently, Dr. Abeysinghe has taken on the management of a team of systematic literature reviewers. In addition, Dr. Abeysinghe is an experienced SAS and JAVA programmer. His previous positions have involved the statistical epidemiology of infectious disease, statistical genetics investigating human mutation in cancer and genetic disease, and an understanding of all aspects of the clinical trial process and associated requirements of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Good Clinical Practice (GCP), attributable to 3 years of experience coordinating and managing phase 2 and 3 oncology trials.

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