Sara Musetti Jenkins, PhD

Medical Writer

headshot of Sara Musetti-Jenkins
Office Location
Headquarters - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

PhD, Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

BA, Biological Chemistry
Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

Sara Musetti Jenkins, PhD, is a Medical Writer in the Medical Writing, Editing, and Design Services group with RTI-HS, where she collaborates with researchers across therapeutic fields to plan and develop publications highlighting their work. Key therapeutics areas of expertise include oncology, immunotherapy, and materials science. Her PhD in pharmaceutical sciences centered on developing nanotherapeutics to induce the immune system to fight triple negative breast cancer. Throughout her PhD, Sara formed interdisciplinary collaborations with researchers around the world, resulting in a dozen peer-reviewed publications. In 2020, she presented her research at multiple international conferences, and received a Best Abstract Award from AAPS PharmSci360 for her work in gene delivery. As part of her commitment to improving science communication in the field of cancer research, she cofounded OncoBites, a blog to share developments in cancer care and treatment, in 2018. While at RTI-HS, Sara has presented on plain language in science communications at regional and national American Medical Writers Association conferences and the International Society for Medical Publications Professionals conference. She has also hosted an RTI webinar titled “The Value of Plain Language Summaries in Health Economics and Outcomes Research.”

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