Art Granger, BA

Vice President, Project and Proposal Operations

Office Location
Headquarters - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

BA, Psychology
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

Art Granger is the Vice President of Project and Proposal Operations at RTI-HS. He has over 20 years of pharmaceutical industry experience. In his current capacity, Mr. Granger oversees a team of operations staff responsible for central project management, internal portfolio review, the development and implementation of high-quality proposal and project management processes and practices as well as training for RTI-HS. Mr. Granger also leads the team of proposal managers within RTI-HS, ensuring that high-quality proposals are developed and delivered in an efficient and timely manner to our clients. The Project & Proposal Operations team manages the client satisfaction surveys program and is also home to RTI-HS’s Library Services group.

Prior to taking on his operational position, Mr. Granger gained valuable experience managing research projects in the health outcomes space across a number of therapeutic areas. He has played key roles in the development of PRO instruments, has extensive experience conducting cognitive interviews and moderating focus groups with a variety of patient and physician populations and has experience managing large data collection efforts.

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