Aaron Lucas, PhD

Associate Director, Health Economics

Practice Area
Office Location
Headquarters - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

PhD, Healthcare Engineering
MPH, Population Health
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

BA, Pure Mathematics
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY

Aaron Lucas, PhD/MPH, is a Senior Research Health Economist with RTI-Health Solutions. He has experience in mathematical modeling for efficiency gains in the realms of individual patient populations, hospital systems and public health policymaking. His technical expertise lies in dynamic transmission modeling, agent-based network modeling, and linear programming. His domain knowledge covers HIV/STI and other infectious diseases as well as business intelligence in hospital systems, authoring publications and presenting at conferences on both topics. His role at RTI-Health Solutions is to leverage and expand his technical and domain experience in disease modeling, cost-effectiveness analysis and budget-impact modeling to help stakeholders in the healthcare system make informed decisions about adopting new therapies, technologies, or policies.

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