McLeod L, Bethke A, Hill C, Van Dyk P, Burling K. Development of a computerized adaptive test for a large-scale testing program: a case study of the development of the North Carolina computerized adaptive testing system. In: Howell SL, Hricko M, editors. Online assessment and measurement: case studies from higher education, K-12 and corporate. Hershey: PA. Information Science Publishing; 2006.
Portenoy R, Cleeland C, Backonja M, Moskowitz R, Parsons B, McLeod LD. Development and validation of a new patient-completed neuropathic pain screening tool for use in the primary care setting. Poster presented at the International Special Interest Group on Neuropathic Pain of the International Association for the Study of Pain. "Expanding Vistas in Neuropathic Pain." Official Satellite symposium of the 11th World Congress of Pain"; August 2005. Uluru, Australia. Previously presented at the 11th World Congress on Pain.
Allhusen V, Belsky J, Kersey HB, Booth C, Bradley R, Brownell CA, Burchinal M, Caldwell B, Campbell SB, Clarke-Stewart KA, Cox M, Friedman SL, Hirsh-Pasek K, Houts R, Huston A, Jaeger E, Kelly JF, Knoke B, Kochanoff A, Marshall N, McCartney K, McLeod L, Morrison FJ, O'Brien M, Owen MT, Payne C, Phillips D, Pianta R, Robeson WW, Spieker S, Vandell DL, Wallner-Allen KE. Do children's attention processes mediate the link between family predictors and school readiness? Dev Psychol. 2003 Jan 1;39(3):581-93.
McLeod LD, Fehnel SE, Williams VS. Psychometrics for the non-psychometrician. Presented at the Annual International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) Conference; November 2002. Previously presented at the Seventh Annual International Meeting of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research.
Thissen D, Nelson K, Rosa K, McLeod L. Item response theory for items scored in more than two categories. In: Thissen D, Wainer H, editors. Test scoring. Hillsdale: NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers; 2001.
McLeod LD, Swygert KA, Thissen D. Factor analysis for items scored in two categories. In: Thissen D, Wainer H, editors. Test scoring. Hillsdale: NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers; 2001.
Swygert KA, McLeod L, Thissen D. Factor analysis for items or testlets scored in more than two categories. In: Thissen D, Wainer H, editors. Test scoring. Hillsdale: NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers; 2001.