Nomty Ziba, MSc

Research Associate

headshot of Nomty Ziba
Practice Area
Office Location
Manchester, United Kingdom

MSc, Pharmacology and Drug Discovery
Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom

HONS, Pharmacology
University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

BSc, Biomedicine
Pearson Institute, Johannesburg, South Africa

Nomty Ziba, MSc, is an Associate Researcher in the Health Economics group with RTI-HS. Prior to working with RTI-HS, Ms. Ziba worked as a Pharma Technical Regulatory Intern with a pharmaceutical company specialising in chemistry, manufacturing and control, and postapproval projects. She also has experience as a Research Executive with another company in the industry. Ms. Ziba has experience as a study site coordinator and has conducted clinical trials in different therapeutic areas, adhering to internal standard operating procedures, study protocols, and applicable regulations, and has worked on various electronic data capturers. She also has experience as a scientific writer demonstrating excellent analytical, communication, and project management skills.

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