Pinto MD, Greenblatt AM, Hickman RL, Rice HM, Thomas TL, Clochesy JM. Assessing the critical parameters of eSMART-MH: a promising avatar-based digital therapeutic intervention to reduce depressive symptoms. Perspect Psychiatr Care. 2016 Jul;52(3):157-68. doi: 10.1111/ppc.12112

PURPOSE: To assess, from the young adults' (YAs') perspectives, the critical parameters (necessity, acceptability, feasibility, fidelity, and safety) of an avatar-based intervention, eSMART-MH, to reduce depressive symptoms.

DESIGN AND METHODS: YAs (n = 60) were randomly assigned to eSMART-MH or control and observed for 12 weeks. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected.

FINDINGS: Necessity, acceptability, fidelity, and safety of eSMART-MH were supported. Feasibility results were mixed. When benchmarked against usual care, eSMART-MH demonstrated greater feasibility.

PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: eSMART-MH is a promising digital therapeutic for depressive symptoms. Feasibility can be strengthened through "on the go" access via mobile devices and Internet delivery.

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